Reading level: Young Adult
Hardcover: 272 pages
Publisher: Feiwel & Friends
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0312650086
ISBN-13: 978-0312650087
“In her first young adult novel, Aguirre (the Sirantha Jax series) has created a gritty and highly competent heroine, an equally deadly sidekick/love interest, and a fascinating if unpleasant civilization. This series is likely to hold considerable appeal for fans of The Hunger Games.” — Publishers Weekly
Ann Aguirre is an author with a great way of writing in a tone that adults and young adults will both enjoy. Her transitioning each chapter smoothly and without and bumps, keeps the readers hanging on each word and waiting for more.
Through the first portion of this dystopian book, we do not know why enclaves are underground. The underground enclave the main characters live in full of horrors and survival instincts I never wish to experience in in real life. I don't want to spoil the surprise, but these descriptions remind me of a cross between "Beneath the Planet of the Apes" and "The Stand."
Zombies seem be be on the rise in many YA books, but the Freaks in this book feel much more terrifying. This post-catastrophe world is full of good and evil, killers and saviors, and the weak and strong.
I could not put this book down, reading it the day I received my copy in the mail. (This book was an ARC from the publisher, but I receive no compensation for this review.)
I certainly hope this is the beginning of a series because I want to know more about Deuce (Huntress and lead heroine), Fade (Hunter), Tegan and Stalker (both topsiders).