I didn't start out watching LOST when it first came on, but I have rented the entire series from Netflix and have been watching one episode after another. I will finish the 3-part season 4 finale tonight, so I'll be ready for the season 5 premiere on Wednesday.

Here are the books I am considering for this challenge - I am giving myself a list of 10 from which I will finally choose my 5 books:
1.) Are You There God? It's Me Margaret by Judy Blume - this book was a favorite when I was a little girl, but it's been over 30 years since I've read it.
2.) A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle - another favorite from my childhood, the book that started my science-fiction craze.
3.) Dune by Frank Herbert - I love this movie, but I've never read the book.
4.) Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll - actually I read this book again last year, but I plan to read the Annotated Alice. This may be a deviation from the books, but that's my plan.
5.) Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll - see #4.
6.) The Stand by Stephen King - my favorite King book, but I haven't read it in years. I plan to read the expanded version which is over 1100 pages.
7.) Harry Potter series by J. K. Rowling - these 7 books will probably be bonus books. They are my comfort books, so whenever I'm sick or not feeling well, I'll pull out one and start reading.
8.) The Gunslinger by Stephen King - I have plans to re-read this entire series, but I'm not sure when.
9.) Watership Down by Richard Adams - another favorite book from my childhood. I read this one so many times before the animated movie was released. It has probably been 20+ years since I last read this one.
10.) The Chronicles of Narnia by C. S. Lewis - again, a favorite series. I re-read the books before the first movie was released, so I have plans to read again before the next movie.
Happy Reading!!

Thanks for joining in!
A couple of books on my list I read years ago as well and am looking forward to reading them again.
Thanks for posting about this - I've joined the challenge and am reading:
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