In Tony’s words: “Many writers have said they never knew when an idea or inspiration might hit them and I am no different. Often I find myself considering an idea with no means of jotting it down. Usually I have a pen but, more often than not, I don’t have a notebook handy. The only solution, in these cases, is to use what ever I can find; a napkin, box top, grocery receipt or an envelope. The title of this first collection, Scraps, comes from this dilemma.”
This is a exquisite collection of heartfelt poems dealing with strong emotions, past memories and wishes for the future. Tony is a seasoned poet and prose writer and his writing experience flows through his words on the page. His style of literal poetry speaks to the heart and sparks the imagination.
This slim volume is full of so many wonderful poems, it is hard to pick out one that is the best. "Looking Through Eternity" is probably one of my favorites, making me realize how far away, and yet how close, our eternity really is. Who has not lain under the stars and dreamed about other worlds and galaxies?
"I can see clear through to eternity.""Summer" is another favorite, helping me recall long hot days of my youth. I can remember my father and grandfather coming in from the tobacco field, hot and sweaty, seeking a cold glass of lemonade to quench their thirst. Morning glories continue to be one of my favorite flowers, even though Granddaddy would complain they were taking over the field.
And remembering tobacco leads me to Tony's award winning poem, "Working Tobacco." It was always my job to follow the setter and Tony captured this memory exactly. Although I haven't worked tobacco for over 25 years now, this poem invokes the memories of this time gone by.
There are too many heartfelt poems to give a detailed review, so this is one book that deserves a place on your bookshelf. "You Grew to be a Man" - a wonderful look at growing up; "Mending Fences" - a recollection of Tony's grandfather; "Divorce" - brings up thoughts I would rather not remember; and "Finding Cheryl" - a poem of love story proportions.
I highly recommend this book to all readers, not just lovers of poetry. It is an insightful look at the world through a new pair of eyes.
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